For the Hi-Phone Maestro please be notified of the following:
1. Firmware update and versions:
MS has an unfixed bug/issue in the usbaudio.sys related to WIN XP, WIN
Server 2003, there are two firmware versions for this product. WIN XP, WIN Server 2003 WIN Vista, WIN 7 and WIN Server 2008 Updated firmware can be downloaded from" rel="nofollow - >>>" rel="nofollow - downloads The customer should update the firmware version per the WIN OS. The Hi-Phone Maestro is working fine on WIN XP, WIN Server 2003 WIN Vista WIN 7 and WIN Server 2008
The recommended WIN OS’s for the Hi-Phone Maestro are: WIN 7 and WIN Server
2. Setup the IVR functionality:
If your application is IVR, you should disconnect the Phone attachment
from Line 1.
Please go to Way2call TAPI
Uncheck Connect to Phone by
3. Setup TAPIsrv in
Exclusive mode:
For stability, it is recommended to
run the TAPIsrv in Exclusive mode.
For all the Hi-Phone products:
1. Disable Remote access connection manger:
When installing the drivers and the Way2call TSP (TAPI) on WIN XP/Server
2003 it is recommended to disable the “Remote access connection manger”.
On some WIN XP machines, this service sometimes causing the Way2call TSP to
It is not happening on all WIN XP/WIN server 2003 PC machines, and related
to Windows update.
To disable the "remote access connection manager" service, which basically
handles dialup modems, and depended on the telephony service
Go to control panel >>> administrative toots >>>
Disable the "Remote Access Connection Manager"
Restart the PC. 2. Disable call waiting tone detection:
For some noisy lines, its better to disable the call waiting. Otherwise
some false detections can cause instability.
Please go to Way2call TAPI
Click on the required
Uncheck Enable call
3. Update the drivers:
There are two sets of Way2call Hi-Phone drivers:
32 bit support
64 bit support
Updated drivers can be downloaded from:" rel="nofollow - >>>" rel="nofollow - downloads