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*** User reported failure at stage 8 ***

Printed From: Way2call Communications
Category: Hi-Phone products
Forum Name: Hi-Phone Maestro
Forum Description: Discussion on the Hi-Phone Maestro features and capabilities
Printed Date: Feb 09 2025 at 11:12am

Topic: *** User reported failure at stage 8 ***
Posted By: Andy
Subject: *** User reported failure at stage 8 ***
Date Posted: Apr 20 2010 at 1:45pm

With the the "Way2Call Test Wizard" I get "

*** User reported failure at stage 8 ***


In the w2cLog.exe Log I get....

0 14:25:15:707 [632] » DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH

1 14:25:15:722 [632] » InitializeDriver() Called, dwReserved=0, DLL Version: 13700

2 14:25:15:738 [632] » InitializeDriver() End OK, Num Devs = 0

3 14:25:25:249 [632] » ShutdownDriver() Called

4 14:25:25:249 [632] » ShutdownDriver() End OK

5 14:25:25:264 [632] » DLL_PROCESS_DETACH


It is a Maestro Device.

I have:

- Rebooted several times.

- Reinstalled the drivers

- Powered down the PC

- Unpluged/repluged the USB cable.


This is all Way2call Software... 


Why does it say there are '0' devices?


Another note:

On the last test run I was doing it I got events:


Device Event: 101 Headset 1 Plugged In
Device Event: 103 Headset 2 Plugged In


The system is locked in lab, locked in a server cabinet.  NO headset was plugged into it.  That was the last time it worked.  Where does the 2nd headset even plug into?

Is it toasted?





Posted By: doronsh
Date Posted: Apr 20 2010 at 2:16pm

Make sure that no other application is running while using the test wizard.

What Maestro model are you using?

Please include the Way2call driver information report.

It is recommended to use the multiple devices test application, which can be downloaded from - >>> developers

The Hi-Phone Maestro supports two headset (The first handset style RJ14, and the second is PC style mic and speaker

Posted By: Andy
Date Posted: Apr 20 2010 at 2:48pm
Thanks Doronsh,
No other applications were running on the system.
Model: the box it came in shows it as as a "PM004LBL01"
Driver Information report... Where do I get that? I thought it was at the top of the log....
the "DLL Version: 13700" which changes with the drivers.
The Drivers are "Way2Call Drivers 2.01.11"
"supports two headset " - Ok, that makes sense.  But neither was plugged in.
I'll get a copy of the  "multiple devices test application" and try it.
Another note... It does not show the "HI-Phone Destop USB" driver in Control Panel, Sounds and Audio, Audio tab.  (with No "Remote" connction, I know that causes an issue)

Posted By: doronsh
Date Posted: Apr 20 2010 at 2:54pm

Way2call driver information report can be found at start menu >>> programs >>> way2call multiple Hi-Phone devices

Are you using a power supply?

What is your Hi-Phone Maestro model (IVR, PWD or PWC)?

Posted By: Andy
Date Posted: Apr 20 2010 at 3:56pm
Way2call Drivers Information:

Package Version: 2.01.11 32bit

OS version: 5.2.3790  Service Pack 2

Devices Information:

1. Hi-Phone Maestro 018011 Line1
    Firmware Version: 11.03.14
    P/N: PM004LBL01
    S/N: 1026-02-018011

2. Hi-Phone Maestro 018011 Line2
    Firmware Version: 11.03.14
    P/N: PM004LBL01
    S/N: 1026-02-018011

3. Hi-Phone Maestro 018011 Line3
    Firmware Version: 11.03.14
    P/N: PM004LBL01
    S/N: 1026-02-018011

4. Hi-Phone Maestro 018011 Line4
    Firmware Version: 11.03.14
    P/N: PM004LBL01
    S/N: 1026-02-018011

5. Hi-Phone Maestro 018011 Phone
    Firmware Version: 11.03.14
    P/N: PM004LBL01
    S/N: 1026-02-018011

6. Hi-Phone Maestro 018011 Headset
    Firmware Version: 11.03.14
    P/N: PM004LBL01
    S/N: 1026-02-018011

Software Components:

File: w2cUSBM.dll
    Description: Way2call Multiple Hi-Phone Devices DLL
    Build: b004

File: ScTspML.tsp
    Description: Way2call Multiple Hi-Phone Devices TSP
    Version: 2.01.11
    Build: 0

File: w2cMultiOcx.ocx
    Description: Way2call Multiple Hi-Phone Devices OCX
    Build: 0

File: TestWiz.exe
    Description: Way2call Multiple Hi-Phone Devices Test Wizard
    Version: 2.00.34
    Build: 0

File: w2cMdSound.exe
    Description: Way2call Multiple Devices As Sound Cards
    Build: 0

File: scwiz32.exe
    Description: Way2Call Multiple Hi-Phone Devices PBX Wizard
    Version: 2.00.34
    Build: 0

File: w2cTspSetup.exe
    Description: Way2call TAPI Setup
    Build: 0

File: \drivers\ScIPTsa.sys
     Not required - For RS232 devices.

File: w2cRS232Wave.drv
     Not required - For RS232 devices.

File: w2cUsb.dll
    Description: Hi-Phone User Mode Device Driver
    Build: b0001

File: ml_setup.exe
    Description: Way2call Multiple Hi-Phone Devices Drivers installer
    Build: b001

File: w2cMultiInfo.exe
    Description: Way2call drivers infromation
    Build: 0

Audio IN devices:
  0. Hi-Phone Maestro (Aux-A)
  1. SoundMAX Digital Audio
  2. Hi-Phone Maestro (Line 1)
  3. Hi-Phone Maestro (Line 2)
  4. Hi-Phone Maestro (Line 3)
  5. Hi-Phone Maestro (Line 4)

Audio OUT devices:
  0. Hi-Phone Maestro (Aux-B)
  1. SoundMAX Digital Audio
  2. Hi-Phone Maestro (Line 1)
  3. Hi-Phone Maestro (Line 2)
  4. Hi-Phone Maestro (Line 3)
  5. Hi-Phone Maestro (Line 4)
  6. Hi-Phone Maestro (Aux-A)

Yes, using power supply.
I examined the modem, Top, Bottom, bot sides etc.  it has the P/N and serial number.
But, nothing that looks like (IVR, PWD, or PWC).
I did do another test...
I took my Laptop, which I develop on using two single line modems, into the lab and plugged the Maestro into it.  It imeadiately gave me error about a bad USB device.
I then unpluged the USB, and then the power supply.  Plugged both back in.
It's working now.  So something happened causing it to require a 'hard reset' (powered off).  
Thanks Doronsh,

Posted By: doronsh
Date Posted: Apr 21 2010 at 11:03am

Please do the followings:

1.       Go to - >>> downloads

Update your device firmware version to 11.03.38 .

2.       You device records indicate that it is PWC (Power Conference model)

Send an email to way2call support and ask for Hi-Phone Maestro PWC key (You should indicate your maestro p/n and s/n

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