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Detecting Key Presses

Printed From: Way2call Communications
Category: Hi-Phone products
Forum Name: Hi-Phone Desktop Pro
Forum Description: Discussion on the Hi-Phone Desktop Pro features and capabilities
Printed Date: Oct 07 2024 at 8:52pm

Topic: Detecting Key Presses
Posted By: Bill
Subject: Detecting Key Presses
Date Posted: Apr 01 2009 at 3:15am
I seem to be having some issues with reliably detecting key presses made by the calling parties. Most of the time it works fine but quite often someone rings and the tones either don't get detected at all or it's a bit hit and miss.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the DTMF decoder can be optimised for either the handset or the line but not both. Any thoughts on this would be gratefully appreciated.

Posted By: doronsh
Date Posted: Apr 01 2009 at 11:42am

Please make sure that you have the latest firmware version.

F/w upgrade utility can be downloaded from - >>> downloads

If you still have issues with DTMF detection, you can change the detection level for each line and phone

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Apr 03 2009 at 3:17am
I've done the download and reflashed the unit. It may have made a slight difference because I can now dial in from my home which I couldn't do before the reflash. But still several people still report the keys don't respond.
I get the feeling that the detection level is just on the limit. The tone detection threshold is currently set to 9999 which I assume is maximum sensitivity? Other than that, I have the echo suppression turned on but I'm not sure if that makes any difference.

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Apr 03 2009 at 4:11am
I've just tested the detection threshold to determain which way round this number works but changing  values between 20 to 20000 seems to have no effect. I would have thought that one of these settings would have made the system so insensitive that DTMF tones would be ignored.

Posted By: doronsh
Date Posted: Apr 03 2009 at 10:00am

Please gather the Hi-Phone driver’s information from your PC

You can find it at: start menu >>> All programs >>> Way2call multiple Hi-Phone devices drivers >>>  way2call drivers information


Email it to -

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Apr 07 2009 at 3:18pm


Thanks for checking out my log files.

I think I understand what you're saying but I still don't understand how to correct the problem. I look in linedevcaps and don’t see the monitor digits member or any means of changing things? I’ve spent over a week on this problem and six hours solid since your email and still can’t see the solution.

The strange thing is that system works perfectly on all mobiles but 2 of our 6 land line test callers repeatedly fail to respond. There must be something different with either their landline or handsets to cause this problem but we all use similar modern phones that don't use any pulse dialling?

I’ll keep trying but I think I’m going to need more help.



Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Apr 08 2009 at 3:09pm

After some discussion with Exceletel’s Fred Decker and some more testing, we’ve finally managed to identify what’s actually causing the problems. All we have to do now is to work out how to resolve it!

Broadband filters for ADSL Internet which are common in most homes in the UK, seem to be affecting the tone in such a way as to prevent them from being detected. Removal of the filters 100% cures the problem but we can’t expect the public to remove them so we need to find a solution either in firmware or possibly an external compensating filter?

We could try to sample the audio with and without the filter so that you could look into this if you haven’t already done so.

Your thoughts would be most welcome.

PS I’m expecting another HiPhone delivery tomorrow and will see if there’s any difference between the performance.


Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: May 31 2009 at 1:39am
Just a final update on this issue.
The problem seemed to have been due the ADSL filters causing a drop in the level of the tones together with a slight roll off in the higher frequencies. This was overcome by Doron and the Way2call engineers so my thanks go out to all concerned.
Everything's now working perfectly!
Bill Smile

Posted By: sk
Date Posted: Apr 12 2011 at 12:00pm
What was the fix to reslove this issue?

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